In this video I go over why you need direct mail marketing for your business or opportunity. to access mailing list order form. Use affiliate i.d# 18481623 for the most responsive names when calling in order. This direct mailing list is by far one of the best there is to promote any money making business opportunity you may have and ensure the quality of the names that you decide to purchase.
Earn Income from home with the Doyle Chambers direct mail business opportunity.
The Postcard Tycoon Pays $300 per sale via money order in
your name. visit- enter I.D# 297
By utilizing our direct-mail postcard marketing system through the Cash Building System Unlimited and JD Marketing compensation pay plan, you can build yourself a serious flow of cash… Every Week… as your team grows.
The program is a simple 2 phase program. The cost of Phase 1 to join is just a $50 membership fee. You will receive 200 postcards and 200 names of prospects on peel and stick labels to mail your postcards to. You will also receive a Phase 2 Upgrade Form, Postcard order form, Your Personal ID# and much more.
When someone joins the program from your postcards, you receive $25 and another 200 postcards and 200 names of prospects on peel and stick labels. Yes… you have read correctly!
*NO Cold Calling
*NO Selling
*NO Monthly Products Purchase to Make
*NO Explaining
*NO Internet or Computer Required
Just mail our postcards and let the system do all the work for you. It’s that simple!
When you are ready to make bigger money, just upgrade to Phase 2 of our program.
***Earn $500 Per Day
Earn leverage and residual income @
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Why You Need Direct Mail Marketing For Your Business Opportunity
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