USPS has an affordable postal mailing program call EDDM. If you prefer to do your own EDDM (Every Door Direct Mailing) this will get you started on your first mailing. We’ll share with you how to select your mail route(s), paying, paperwork and bundling. Mail marketing and advertising have never been easier.
EDDM is one of the most affordable ways to market to a specific area. You will not get to select individual homes but a zip code. You can mail to as few as 200 or a many as 5000 a day.
We have successfully utilized the EDDM mail program since it started in 2012. On occasion sending more than 33k postcards in a day. (7 different post offices). Enjoy and take advantage of one of the cheapest marketing tools the postal system gives us access to.
For detail on common sizes, weight limits, and the maximum number of daily mail pieces go to:
EDDM Retail Fact Sheet:
For details about EDDM Mail labels and the EDDM mail Indicia (rectangle in the top right corner):
EDDM Quick Reference Guide:
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