Dan Brown, co-owner of Blumberg Digital goes over critical marketing tips for dental offices, including postcard campaigns and budgeting for ads. Then he goes over everything you need to know to start creating and posting videos to all your social media channels right away. He walks you through the process step-by-step so that by the end, you will have created two of your own videos to post on your website and social media.

Watch this and let us know if you need any help!

1:20 – 2:00: Introduction, taking questions
2:00 – How to reply to reviews, good and bad
2:30 – Info on the free New Patient Workshop: www.newpatients.net
3:54 – Why all negative reviews must be answered, no matter when they were posted
4:30 – Why it is vital to answer all current positive reviews
5:50 – Info on the Blumberg Digital new Marketing Platform Dashboard
6:30 – Posting before-and-after cases for marketing purposes, the difference between doing so in the US and in Canada.
7:25 – Patient testimonials and reveal videos, having a HIPAA release for marketing purposes
7:55 – How to receive a free sample HIPAA release for marketing
9:40 – When to open new marketing channels, what the expected ROI is for new channels
10:30 – Postcard marketing campaigns, the ROI and the timeline for mailing
11:30 – When it may be time to stop running a direct mail campaign and look at a new marketing channel
12:50 – How to determine ROI from a postcard campaign
13:30 – Lifetime value of new patients from marketing campaigns
14:40 – When to consider changing a campaign and how to know when to keep everything the same
17:20 – Daily budgets with Google Ads, etc. How to make your budget work best for you. When to know if it’s time to increase your budget.
20:15 – Information about an office that closed $300,000 in treatment in five days. How some people will get access to the recording of the interview with that office to find out how they did it.
22:20 – The importance of caring for the leads that come in off of marketing
24:23 – Who is Dan Brown of Blumberg Digital?
25:00 – Client successes and shout-outs
27:00 – How much time should go by before you respond to a client reaching out from a marketing campaign
29:40 – Information about the Digital Reactivation Program
30:45 – Implant Funnel update and possible release date
31:30 – Info on the Advanced Marketing Seminar. August 24-26, 2023 in St. Petersburg, FL. September 28-30, 2023 in Anaheim, CA. What will be covered at the seminar.
35:40 – Handling lack of time for marketing, how much time is needed, what to use, where to post and what you already have that you can leverage.
37:20 – What it means to “leverage your community” in marketing campaigns
40:30 – Important stats on Video Marketing
41:50 – The 8 types of videos you can easily create to use in marketing campaigns
42:50 – Everything you will need to create videos
43:40 – Learning what kind of camera you need. Hint: It may not be the one you think
45:30 – The most common dental questions researched online, scripts available on the Blumberg Digital Marketing Platform. How to get the scripts even if you’re not currently a platform subscriber.
47:30 – Why your patients want to see you on video before they visit your office
49:20 – Video Tutorial #3: Platform Content. Including what microphone to use (with link), how to set up, and how to shoot a video
56:30 – Example of how recording a video can be turned into an article on your website, using the Digital Marketing Platform
1:00:00 – Setting up your camera and getting ready to record a video
1:03:50 – Questions to answer when recording your video
1:06:30 – Coaching on how to answer the question in the video, important tips and a sample answer
1:08:40 – Why you’re not going for short answers
1:09:00 – The goal for how many minutes to speak and how many videos to create a week
1:10:00 – Demonstrating how to hold the camera and why this is important
1:11:00 – Answering the question as if it was a patient asking
1:11:20 – Record your next video
1:12:05 – Why this isn’t a beauty contest, the patient wants content
1:12:55 – How to get over being different on camera than you are in person
1:13:45 – Example of an early video from Dr. Rich at Salvatore Dental
1:15:00 – Current video of Dr. Rich from Salvatore Dental
1:16:45 – Dan offers coaching and tips on videos created by people attending this webinar
1:17:50 – More about responding to reviews, why and how to do it
1:20:00 – How to make testimonial videos, when to record the video, how to ask the patient and more
1:23:40 – Example of Salvatore Dental getting patient reaction/testimonial after treatment
1:27:40 – The product of this webinar, inspiring you to create videos
1:28:20 – Who to contact if you have holes in your schedule and need help with digital reactivation
1:28:30 – Who to contact if you need help getting a website, getting on the Platform, doing social media posts
1:28:50 – How to get in touch with Dan