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What is up Copy Squad!

In this free copywriting tutorial, I’ll be analyzing 2 pieces of direct mail I received about a year ago.

Follow along as I critique the letter (like a copy chief would), share my thoughts on both pieces of copy, and discover the intriguing offer and my analysis as I break down the copywriting techniques used.

If you’re new to copywriting you do NOT want to miss out on this valuable lesson!

Join me as I transcribe the letter into a Google doc and break it down line by line.

You’ll gain fresh new insights, learn from my analysis, and enhance your understanding of direct response marketing copy!

Stick around until the end of the video to witness the modified letters with my edits.

See the copy principles in action as I explain why I made the changes in each letter.

Subscribe to my channel to stay updated with my copy breakdowns, tutorials, and more!

And don’t forget to drop a like & share this video!

Peace out Copy Squad,

#Copywriting #DirectMail #DirectResponse #MarketingCopy #DirectResponseBreakdown #CopyBreakdown #CopywritingTutorial
